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Special forms

Urn’s core language is made up of a collection of “special forms”, from which all other definitions are defined.


define, define-macro and define-native are used to create top-level definitions. These definitions are constant and accessible anywhere in the module. Each module cannot contain multiple definitions of the same symbol, attempting to declare two variables of the same name will result in a compiler error (even if one is a macro and one is a normal variable).

Note: Top-level definitions can only be created in the top-level. Attempting to use any one of these inside a child expression will result in an error.

Any unused definition will be discarded, even if it has a side effect. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not rely on definitions ever being executed.


Every definition special form accepts various “metadata” arguments.

(define name &meta val)

define defines a normal variable with the given name, value and metadata. At compile-time VAL will only be executed if this definition is required by a macro.

(define pi
  "Represents the mathematical constant pi."

(define area
  "Compute the area of a circle, given its radius."
  (lambda (r) (* pi (^ r 2))))

The :mutable annotation can be used inside define definitions in order to allow rebinding it at runtime:

(define x :mutable 1)
(debug x) ;; x = 1
(set! x 2)
(debug x) ;; x = 2

(define-macro name &meta val)

define-macro defines a macro with the given name, value and metadata.

If a macro is called directly (with its symbol as the argument, then it will be called with the quoted form of each of its arguments. As this process occurs at compile time, invoking macros indirectly (e.g ((id if) 2 3)) will call them as normal functions.

(define-native name &meta)

Define a binding to an external variable. As well as normal metadata annotations, native defitions accept some more complex annotations:

Native definitions can be specified in three different ways:

Library variable

When loading a module, Urn will look for a .lib.lua file with the same name. This file is embedded in the compiled output, and native variables are bound to the values returned from this file.

Binding to an expression

Sometimes including a .lib.lua file is a little overkill. In this case, you can instruct bind the native definition to an arbitrary Lua expression. This is done using the :bind-to annotation:

(define-native random :bind-to "math.random")
(debug (random))

Note that these definitions are stripped if they are not used, so you should try to avoid side effects within your code.

Template strings

Whilst :bind-to serves most forms, sometimes it is useful to allow arbitrary template substitutions. For instance, you may wish to add support for Lua 5.3 bitop operators. In this case, you should use the :syntax annotation. This takes a template string, where ${1} is substituted for the 1st argument.

Definitions using :syntax also allow several other modifiers:

For more information, see the native documentation.

(lambda args &body)

lambda defines a function with a given set of arguments and a body to execute.

ARGS defines a list of 0-to-many symbols. This list may contain a symbol prefixed with &, which will accept any additional arguments passed to the function. Note that this argument does not need to go at the end of the argument list.

(define foo (lambda (x &rem y) (print! (pretty rem))))

(foo 1 2) ;; rem is ()
(foo 1 2 3) ;; rem is (2)
(foo 1 2 3 4) ;; rem is (2 3)

The function body can be composed of any number of terms, with the last one being returned when the lambda is executed. Note that lambdas can return multiple values through the use of Lua’s unpack function, or the like. Urn also follows Lua’s calling mechanics, meaning all the values a function returns are used as arguments:

(with (res (list (pcall foo))) ;; Capture all return values of pcall (the success value and return values of foo).
  (print! (pretty res)))

(cond &cases)

cond is Urn’s branching construct, from which other conditionals are derived (like if, and, not). Each case is a list, with the first element being the test to execute, and the remaining terms defining the corresponding body. Each test is evaluated in order, stopping at the first “truthy” test and evaluating its body. If no test evaluates to true, then an error will be thrown. For this reason, it is common to have the last case of the form [true]. cond returns the last expression of the body that it executed.

Note: Generally, each test is defined using square brackets ([]). This makes your code slightly easier to read, as you have more of a visual hint as to what parens belong to what.

  [(= x 2)
   (print! "x is 2")
   (* y 2)]
  [(= x 3)
   (print! "x is 3")
   (/ y 3)]
   (print! "x is something else")

(set! var val)

set! is used to change the value of the given variable, setting it to given value. VAR must be a symbol, and VAL can be any term. Note that you cannot change the value of top level definitions: this can only be used to mutate function arguments.

(lambda (x)
  (unless x (set! x 0)) ;; Set x to 0 if it is falsey
  (+ x 2))

(import module info? export?)

import allows you to include code from other Urn files. MODULE should be a symbol, specifying a file on the include path (excluding a the .lisp file extension). Import takes 3 forms:

You can also add :export at the end of the import statement in order to re-export those symbols.

Note that scopes can only have one definition per variable name. Attempting to import multiple symbols of the same name will result in a compiler error.

(import lua/math (min max) :export)
(import lua/os os)

(struct-literal &pairs)

struct-literal is used to create a Lua table. It can either be called directly, or using the special {} syntax. PAIRS defines a collection of keys and values: the odd numbered elements defining the keys, and the even ones the values. If there are not an even number of arguments, then compilation will fail.

{ :foo 2
  bar  (+ 2 3) }

;; Equivalent to Lua's { foo = 23, [bar] = 2 + 3 }


(quote form)

quote converts the given form into data, according to the following rules:

(syntax-quote form)

syntax-quote takes a similar form to quote, with some important extensions:

(syntax-quote (print! (unquote (+ 2 3)) foo))

(unquote &forms)

unquote’s primary usage is in the syntax-quote form. However, it can be used to allow a more specific form of compile-time execution, when a macro is overkill. Each form in FORMS is evaluated, and the resulting elements spliced in place of the original unquote. Note that only one element can be spliced in non-block contexts (such as function arguments).

(define factorial (lambda (n)
                      [(= n 0) 1]
                      [(= n 1) 1]
                      [true (* n (factorial (- n 1)))])))

;; Evaluate 10! at compile time.
(define factorial-10 ,(factorial 10))

(unquote-splice form)

unquote-splice’s primary usage is in the syntax-quote form. When on it’s own, it executes much like unquote. Instead, it asserts that its argument evaluates to a list and splices each element in place of the original unquote-splice. As with unquote, you can only splice multiple values in a block context.

;; Define the first four factorial numbers.
,@(map (lambda (k)
         `(define ,(string->symbol (.. "factorial-" k)) ,(factorial k)))
    (range 1 4))