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This library provides a series of methods for interacting with the internal representation of nodes.


Native defined at lib/compiler/nodes.lisp:64:1

Get the builtin with the given NAME.


Native defined at lib/compiler/nodes.lisp:54:1

Determine whether the specified NODE is the given BUILTIN.


> (builtin? (symbol->var `lambda) :lambda)
out = true


Native defined at lib/compiler/nodes.lisp:68:1

Determine whether the specified NODE is a constant.

(fix-symbol symbol)

Defined at lib/compiler/nodes.lisp:46:2

Convert the quasi-quoted SYMBOL into a fully resolved one.


Native defined at lib/compiler/nodes.lisp:72:1

Gets the constant value of NODE.


Native defined at lib/compiler/nodes.lisp:80:1

Determine whether NODE contains a reference to the given VAR.


Native defined at lib/compiler/nodes.lisp:84:1

Determine whether NODE contains a reference to any of the given VARS.

VARS must be a struct, mapping variable names to true.


Native defined at lib/compiler/nodes.lisp:34:1

Extract the variable from the given SYMBOL.

This will work with quasi-quoted symbols, and those from resolved ASTs. You should not use this on macro arguments as it will not return anything useful.


Native defined at lib/compiler/nodes.lisp:20:1

Traverse NODE with VISITOR.

VISITOR should be a function which accepts the current node and the visitor. It should return the replacement node, or the current node if no changes should be made.


Native defined at lib/compiler/nodes.lisp:28:1

Traverse a list of NODES, starting at IDX, using the specified VISITOR.

See traverse-node for more information about the VISITOR.


Native defined at lib/compiler/nodes.lisp:76:1

Gets the node representation of the constant VALUE.


Native defined at lib/compiler/nodes.lisp:42:1

Create a new symbol referencing the given VARIABLE.


Native defined at lib/compiler/nodes.lisp:6:1

Visit NODE with VISITOR.

VISITOR should be a function which accepts the current node and the visitor. This is called before traversing the child nodes. You can return false to not visit them.


Native defined at lib/compiler/nodes.lisp:14:1

Visit a list of NODES, starting at IDX, using the specified VISITOR.

See visit-node for more information about the VISITOR.