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(echelon matrix)

Defined at lib/math/matrix.lisp:128:2

Reduce the given MATRIX to row echelon form.


> (echelon (matrix 3 2
.            1 2 3
.            4 5 6))
out = [1 1.25 1.5 // 0 1 2]

(height matrix)

Defined at lib/math/matrix.lisp:6:2

The height of this matrix.

(identity dim)

Defined at lib/math/matrix.lisp:32:2

Create the identity matrix with the given DIM.


> (identity 2)
out = [1 0 // 0 1]

(invert matrix)

Defined at lib/math/matrix.lisp:206:2

Invert the provided MATRIX.


> (invert (matrix 2 2
.           1 2
.           3 4))
out = [-2 1 // 1.5 -0.5]

(matrix width height &items)

Defined at lib/math/matrix.lisp:13:2

Create a new matrix with the given WIDTH and HEIGHT.


> (matrix 2 2
.   1 2
.   3 4)
out = [1 2 // 3 4]

(matrix-item matrix y x)

Defined at lib/math/matrix.lisp:48:2

Get the item in the provided MATRIX at Y X.


> (define m (matrix 2 2
.             1 2
.             3 4))
> (matrix-item m 2 1)
out = 3

(reduced-echelon matrix)

Defined at lib/math/matrix.lisp:179:2

Reduce the given MATRIX to reduced row echelon form.


> (echelon (matrix 3 2
.            1 2 3
.            4 5 6))
out = [1 1.25 1.5 // 0 1 2]

(width matrix)

Defined at lib/math/matrix.lisp:6:2

The width of this matrix.

Undocumented symbols

  • $matrix Defined at lib/math/matrix.lisp:6:2
  • (matrix? matrix) Defined at lib/math/matrix.lisp:6:2