The Urn Logo


($ str)

Macro defined at lib/core/string.lisp:188:2

Perform interpolation (variable substitution) on the string STR.

The string is a sequence of arbitrary characters which may contain an unquote, of the form ~{foo} or ${foo}, where foo is a variable name.

The ~{x} form will format the value using pretty, ensuring it is readable. ${x} requires that x is a string, simply splicing the value in directly.


> (let* [(x 1)] ($ "~{x} = 1"))
out = "1 = 1"


Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:386:1

The arguments passed to the currently executing program


Defined at lib/core/prelude.lisp:28:1

The standard error stream.


Defined at lib/core/prelude.lisp:32:1

The standard input stream.


Defined at lib/core/prelude.lisp:24:1

The standard output stream.

(-> x &funcs)

Macro defined at lib/data/function.lisp:59:2

Chain a series of method calls together. If the list contains <> then the value is placed there, otherwise the expression is invoked with the previous entry as an argument.


> (-> '(1 2 3)
.   (map succ <>)
.   (map (cut * <> 2) <>))
out = (4 6 8)

(-and a b)

Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:351:2

Return the logical conjunction of values A and B.

As this is a function rather than a macro, it can be used as a variable. However, each argument is evaluated eagerly. See and for a lazy version.

(-or a b)

Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:343:2

Return the logical disjunction of values A and B.

As this is a function rather than a macro, it can be used as a variable. However, each argument is evaluated eagerly. See or for a lazy version.

(.<! x &keys value)

Macro defined at lib/core/table.lisp:55:2

Set the value at KEYS in the structure X to VALUE.

(.> x &keys)

Macro defined at lib/core/table.lisp:49:2

Index the structure X with the sequence of accesses given by KEYS.

(<=> p q)

Macro defined at lib/core/base.lisp:327:2

Bidirectional implication. (<=> a b) means that (=> a b) and (=> b a) both hold.


> (<=> (> 3 1) (< 1 3))
out = true
> (<=> (> 1 3) (< 3 1))
out = true
> (<=> (> 1 3) (< 1 3))
out = false


Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:1:1

Determine if two variables are equal.

(=> p q)

Macro defined at lib/core/base.lisp:317:2

Logical implication. (=> a b) is equivalent to (or (not a) b).


> (=> (> 3 1) (< 1 3))
out = true

(\\ xs ys)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:342:2

The difference between XS and YS (non-associative.)


> (\\ '(1 2 3) '(1 3 5 7))
out = (2)

(accumulate-with f ac z xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:752:2

A composition of reduce and map.

Transform the values of XS using the function F, then accumulate them starting form Z using the function AC.

This function behaves as if it were folding over the list XS with the monoid described by (F, AC, Z), that is, F constructs the monoid, AC is the binary operation, and Z is the zero element.


> (accumulate-with tonumber + 0 '(1 2 3 4 5))
out = 15

(affirm &asserts)

Macro defined at lib/test/assert.lisp:8:2

Assert each expression in ASSERTS evaluates to true

Each expression is expected to be a function call. Each argument is evaluated and the final function executed. If it returns a falsey value (nil or false) then each argument will be have it’s value printed out.


> (affirm (= (+ 2 3) (* 2 3)))
[ERROR] Assertion failed
(= (+ 2 3) (* 2 3))
   |       |
   |       6

(all p xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:393:2

Test if all elements of XS match the predicate P.


> (all symbol? '(foo bar baz))
out = true
> (all number? '(1 2 foo))
out = false

(and a b &rest)

Macro defined at lib/core/base.lisp:281:2

Return the logical and of values A and B, and, if present, the logical and of all the values in REST.

Each argument is lazily evaluated, only being computed if the previous argument returned a truthy value. This will return the last argument to be evaluated.


> (and 1 2 3)
out = 3
> (and (> 3 1) (< 3 1))
out = false

(any p xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:312:2

Check for the existence of an element in XS that matches the predicate P.


> (any exists? '(nil 1 "foo"))
out = true

(append xs ys)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:689:2

Concatenate XS and YS.


> (append '(1 2) '(3 4))
out = (1 2 3 4)

(apply f &xss xs)

Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:457:2

Apply the function F using XS as the argument list, with XSS as arguments before XS is spliced.


> (apply + '(1 2))
out = 3
> (apply + 1 '(2))
out = 3


Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:398:1

Warning: arg is deprecated: Use *arguments* instead.

The arguments passed to the currently executing program

(as-is x)

Defined at lib/data/function.lisp:134:2

Return the value X unchanged.


> (map as-is '(1 2 3))
out = (1 2 3)

(assert-type! arg ty)

Macro defined at lib/core/demand.lisp:64:2

Warning: assert-type! is deprecated: Use desire or demand instead.

Assert that the argument ARG has type TY, as reported by the function type.

(assoc list key or-val)

Defined at lib/data/alist.lisp:3:2

Return the value given by KEY in the association list LIST, or, in the case that it does not exist, the value OR-VAL, which can be nil.


> (assoc '(("foo" 1) ("bar" 2)) "foo" "?")
out = 1
> (assoc '(("foo" 1) ("bar" 2)) "baz" "?")
out = "?"

(assoc->struct list)

Defined at lib/data/alist.lisp:72:2

Convert the association list LIST into a structure. Much like assoc, in the case there are several values bound to the same key, the first value is chosen.


> (assoc->struct '(("a" 1)))
out = {"a" 1}

(assoc? list key)

Defined at lib/data/alist.lisp:22:2

Check that KEY is bound in the association list LIST.


> (assoc? '(("foo" 1) ("bar" 2)) "foo")
out = true
> (assoc? '(("foo" 1) ("bar" 2)) "baz")
out = false

(atom? x)

Defined at lib/core/type.lisp:53:2

Check whether X is an atomic object, that is, one of

  • A boolean
  • A string
  • A number
  • A symbol
  • A key
  • A function

(between? val min max)

Defined at lib/core/type.lisp:81:2

Check if the numerical value X is between MIN and MAX.


Defined at lib/core/prelude.lisp:54:1

Convert the boolean X into a string.

(boolean? x)

Defined at lib/core/type.lisp:37:2

Check whether X is a boolean.

(call x key &args)

Defined at lib/data/function.lisp:158:2

Index X with KEY and invoke the resulting function with ARGS.


> (define tbl { :add + })
> (call tbl :add 1 2 3)
out = 6

(car x)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:37:2

Return the first element present in the list X. This function operates in constant time.


> (car '(1 2 3))
out = 1

(case val &pts)

Macro defined at lib/core/match.lisp:409:2

Match a single value against a series of patterns, evaluating the first body that matches, much like cond.

(cdr x)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:122:2

Return a reference the list X without the first element present. In the case that X is nil, the empty list is returned. Note that mutating the reference will not mutate the


> (cdr '(1 2 3))
out = (2 3)

(comp &fs)

Defined at lib/data/function.lisp:112:2

Return the pointwise composition of all functions in FS.


> ((comp succ (cut + <> 2) (cut * <> 2))
.  2)
out = 7

(compose f g)

Defined at lib/data/function.lisp:98:2

Return the pointwise composition of functions F and G.


> ((compose (cut + <> 2) (cut * <> 2))
.  2)
out = 6

(concat xs separator)

Defined at lib/core/string.lisp:22:2

Concatenate a list of strings, using an optional separator.


> (concat '("H" "i" "!"))
out = "Hi!"
> (concat '("5" "+" "1") " ")
out = "5 + 1"

(cons &xs xss)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:166:2

Return a copy of the list XSS with the elements XS added to its head.


> (cons 1 2 3 '(4 5 6))
out = (1 2 3 4 5 6)

(const x)

Defined at lib/data/function.lisp:144:2

Return a function which always returns X. This is equivalent to the K combinator in SK combinator calculus.


> (define x (const 1))
> (x 2)
out = 1
> (x "const")
out = 1

(const-val val)

Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:403:2

Get the actual value of VAL, an argument to a macro.

Due to how macros are implemented, all values are wrapped as tables in order to preserve positional data about nodes. You will need to unwrap them in order to use them.

(copy-of struct)

Defined at lib/core/table.lisp:124:2

Create a shallow copy of STRUCT.

(create-lookup values)

Defined at lib/core/table.lisp:155:2

Convert VALUES into a lookup table, with each value being converted to a key whose corresponding value is the value’s index.

(cut &func)

Macro defined at lib/data/function.lisp:16:2

Partially apply a function FUNC, where each <> is replaced by an argument to a function. Values are evaluated every time the resulting function is called.


> (define double (cut * <> 2))
> (double 3)
out = 6

(cute &func)

Macro defined at lib/data/function.lisp:37:2

Partially apply a function FUNC, where each <> is replaced by an argument to a function. Values are evaluated when this function is defined.


> (define double (cute * <> 2))
> (double 3)
out = 6

(debug x)

Macro defined at lib/core/method.lisp:271:2

Print the value X, then return it unmodified.

(dec! address)

Macro defined at lib/control/setq.lisp:153:2

Decrements the value described by ADDRESS by 1.


> (with (x 1)
.   (dec! x)
.   x)
out = 0

(defalias name other)

Macro defined at lib/core/method.lisp:169:2

Alias the method at NAME to the method at OTHER.

(defdefault name ll &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/method.lisp:151:2

Add a default case to the generic method NAME with the arguments LL and the body BODY.

BODY has in scope a symbol, myself, that refers specifically to this instantiation of the generic method NAME. For instance, in

(defdefault my-pretty-print (x)
  (myself (.. "foo " x)))

myself refers only to the default case of my-pretty-print

(defgeneric name ll &attrs)

Macro defined at lib/core/method.lisp:48:2

Define a generic method called NAME with the arguments given in LL, and the attributes given in ATTRS. Note that documentation must come after LL; The mixed syntax accepted by define is not allowed.


> (defgeneric my-pretty-print (x)
.   "Pretty-print a value.")
out = «method: (my-pretty-print x)»
> (defmethod (my-pretty-print string) (x) x)
out = nil
> (my-pretty-print "foo")
out = "foo"

(defmacro name args &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/base.lisp:125:1

Define NAME to be the macro given by (lambda ARGS @BODY), with optional metadata at the start of BODY.

(defmethod name ll &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/method.lisp:119:2

Add a case to the generic method NAME with the arguments LL and the body BODY. The types of arguments for this specialisation are given in the list NAME, and the argument names are merely used to build the lambda.

BODY has in scope a symbol, myself, that refers specifically to this instantiation of the generic method NAME. For instance, in

(defmethod (my-pretty-print string) (x)
  (myself (.. "foo " x)))

myself refers only to the case of my-pretty-print that handles strings.


> (defgeneric my-pretty-print (x)
.   "Pretty-print a value.")
out = «method: (my-pretty-print x)»
> (defmethod (my-pretty-print string) (x) x)
out = nil
> (my-pretty-print "foo")
out = "foo"

(defsetq pattern repl)

Macro defined at lib/control/setq.lisp:50:2

Define the setq!/over! PATTERN with the replacement REPL. The replacement must be a lambda, which is going to be applied to the (quoted) replacement. Captures in the pattern are also available in the replacement’s scope.

Note that the value given to REPL is not a value: Rather, it is a function that decides what the new value should be. The returned value must be a list, preferably of the form

(progn ... ; modify the value

That is - modify the value, then return it.


> (defsetq
.   (car ?addr)
.   (lambda (val)
.     `(.<! ,addr 1 (,val (.> ,addr 1)))))

(defun name args &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/base.lisp:119:1

Define NAME to be the function given by (lambda ARGS @BODY), with optional metadata at the start of BODY.

(demand condition message)

Macro defined at lib/core/demand.lisp:46:2

Demand that particular CONDITION is upheld. If provided, MESSAGE will be included in the thrown error.

Note that MESSAGE is only evaluated if CONDITION is not met.

(denominator rational)

Defined at lib/math/rational.lisp:7:2

The rational’s denominator

(desire condition message)

Macro defined at lib/core/demand.lisp:53:2

Demand that particular CONDITION is upheld if debug assertions are on (-fstrict-checks). If provided, MESSAGE will be included in the thrown error.

Note that MESSAGE is only evaluated if CONDITION is not met. Neither will be evaluated if debug assertions are disabled.

(destructuring-bind pt &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/match.lisp:392:2

Match a single pattern against a single value, then evaluate the BODY.

The pattern is given as (car PT) and the value as (cadr PT). If the pattern does not match, an error is thrown.

(do vars &stmts)

Macro defined at lib/core/list.lisp:662:2

Iterate over all given VARS, running STMTS without collecting the results.


> (do [(a '(1 2))
.      (b '(1 2))]
.   (print! $"a = ${a}, b = ${b}"))
a = 1, b = 1
a = 1, b = 2
a = 2, b = 1
a = 2, b = 2
out = nil

(dolist vars &stmts)

Macro defined at lib/core/list.lisp:632:2

Iterate over all given VARS, running STMTS and collecting the results.


> (dolist [(a '(1 2 3))
.          (b '(1 2 3))]
.   (list a b))
out = ((1 1) (1 2) (1 3) (2 1) (2 2) (2 3) (3 1) (3 2) (3 3))

(drop xs n)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:144:2

Remove the first N elements of the list XS.


> (drop '(1 2 3 4 5) 2)
out = (3 4 5)

(elem? x xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:414:2

Test if X is present in the list XS.


> (elem? 1 '(1 2 3))
out = true
> (elem? 'foo '(1 2 3))
out = false

(element-index x xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:449:2

Finds the first index in XS where the item matches X. Returns nil if no such item exists.


> (element-index 4 '(3 4 5))
out = 2
> (element-index 2 '(1 3 5))
out = nil


Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:9:1

else is defined as having the value true. Use it as the last case in a cond expression to increase readability.

(empty-struct? xs)

Defined at lib/core/table.lisp:102:2

Check that XS is the empty struct.


> (empty-struct? {})
out = true
> (empty-struct? { :a 1 })
out = false

(empty? x)

Defined at lib/core/type.lisp:13:2

Check whether X is the empty list or the empty string.


Defined at lib/core/method.lisp:194:2

Compare values for equality deeply.

(eql? x y)

Defined at lib/core/method.lisp:180:2

A version of eq? that compares the types of X and Y instead of just the values.


> (eq? 'foo "foo")
out = true
> (eql? 'foo "foo")
out = false


Defined at lib/core/prelude.lisp:58:1

Throw an error.

(even? x)

Defined at lib/math/init.lisp:27:2

Is X an even number?


> (even? 2)
out = true
> (even? 1)
out = false

(exclude p xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:301:2

Return a list with only the elements of XS that don’t match the predicate P.


> (exclude even? '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
out = (1 3 5)

(exists? x)

Defined at lib/core/type.lisp:71:2

Check if X exists, i.e. it is not the special value nil. Note that, in Urn, nil is not the empty list.

(exit! reason code)

Defined at lib/core/prelude.lisp:71:2

Exit the program with the exit code CODE, and optionally, print the error message REASON.


Macro defined at lib/compiler/helpers.lisp:5:2

Generate a struct with all variables exported in the current module.


> (let [(a 1)]
.   (exported-vars))
out = {"a" 1}
(define x 1)
(define y 2)
(define z 3)
(exported-vars) ;; { :x 1 :y 2 :z 3 }

(extend ls key val)

Defined at lib/data/alist.lisp:48:2

Extend the association list LIST_ by inserting VAL, bound to the key KEY, overriding any previous value.


> (extend '(("foo" 1)) "bar" 2)
out = (("bar" 2) ("foo" 1))

(fail! x)

Defined at lib/core/prelude.lisp:66:2

Fail with the error message X, that is, exit the program immediately, without unwinding for an error handler.

(falsey? x)

Defined at lib/core/type.lisp:66:2

Check whether X is falsey, that is, it is either false or does not exist.

(fast-struct &entries)

Defined at lib/core/table.lisp:89:2

A variation of struct, which will not perform any coercing of the KEYS in entries.

Note, if you know your values at compile time, it is more performant to use a struct literal.

(filter p xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:290:2

Return a list with only the elements of XS that match the predicate P.


> (filter even? '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
out = (2 4 6)

(find-index p xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:427:2

Finds the first index in XS where the item matches the predicate P. Returns nil if no such item exists.


> (find-index even? '(3 4 5))
out = 2
> (find-index even? '(1 3 5))
out = nil

(flat-map fn &xss)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:260:2

Map the function FN over the lists XSS, then flatten the result lists.


> (flat-map list '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
out = (1 4 2 5 3 6)

(flatten xss)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:699:2

Concatenate all the lists in XSS. XSS must not contain elements which are not lists.


> (flatten '((1 2) (3 4)))
out = (1 2 3 4)

(for ctr start end step &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/base.lisp:229:2

Iterate BODY, with the counter CTR bound to START, being incremented by STEP every iteration until CTR is outside of the range given by [START .. END].


> (with (x '())
.   (for i 1 3 1 (push! x i))
.   x)
out = (1 2 3)

(for-each var lst &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/list.lisp:616:2

Warning: for-each is deprecated: Use do/dolist instead

Perform the set of actions BODY for all values in LST, binding the current value to VAR.


> (for-each var '(1 2 3)
.   (print! var))
out = nil

(for-pairs vars tbl &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/base.lisp:359:2

Iterate over TBL, binding VARS for each key value pair in BODY.


> (let [(res '())
.       (struct { :foo 123 })]
.   (for-pairs (k v) struct
.     (push! res (list k v)))
.     res)
out = (("foo" 123))

(format out str &args)

Macro defined at lib/data/format.lisp:117:2

Output the string STR formatted against ARGS to the stream OUT. In the case OUT is nil, a string in returned; If OUT is true, the result is printed to standard output.

Formatting specifiers

Formatting specifiers take the form {...}, where ... includes both a reference (what’s to be output) and a formatter (how to output it).

  • If the reference starts with #, it is an implicit named symbol (something in scope, and not passed explicitly).
  • If the reference starts with an alphabetic character, it is named: something given to the format macro explicitly, as a keyword argument.
  • If the reference starts with $, it is a positional argument.

The formatter can either start with :, in which case it references an Urn symbol, or start with %, in which case it is a string.format format sequence.


> (format nil "{#pretty:pretty} is {what}" :what 'pretty)
out = "«method: (pretty x)» is pretty"
> (format nil "0x{foo%x}" :foo 123)
out = "0x7b"

(function &arms)

Macro defined at lib/core/match.lisp:471:2

Create a lambda which matches its arguments against the patterns defined in ARMS.

(function? x)

Defined at lib/core/type.lisp:43:2

Check whether X is a function.

(gensym name)

Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:200:1

Create a unique symbol, suitable for using in macros

(groups-of xs num)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:838:2

Splits the list XS into sub-lists of size NUM.


> (groups-of '(1 2 3 4 5 6) 3)
out = ((1 2 3) (4 5 6))

(handler-case x &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/match.lisp:440:2

Evaluate the form X, and if an error happened, match the series of (?pattern . ?body) arms given in BODY against the value of the error, executing the first that succeeeds.

In the case that X does not throw an error, the value of that expression is returned by handler-case.


> (handler-case
.   (fail! "oh no!")
.   [string?
.    => (print! it)])
oh no!
out = nil

(id x)

Defined at lib/data/function.lisp:124:2

Return the value X unmodified.


> (map id '(1 2 3))
out = (1 2 3)

(if c t b)

Macro defined at lib/core/base.lisp:162:2

Evaluate T if C is true, otherwise, evaluate B.


> (if (> 1 3) "> 1 3" "<= 1 3")
out = "<= 1 3"

(if-let vars then else)

Macro defined at lib/core/binders.lisp:134:2

Evaluate THEN or ELSE, depending on the truthiness of all variables bound (as per let) in VARS.


> (if-let [(a 1)
.          (b false)]
.   b
.   a)
out = 1

(if-match cs t e)

Macro defined at lib/core/match.lisp:486:2

Matches a pattern against a value defined in CS, evaluating T with the captured variables in scope if the pattern succeeded, otherwise evaluating E.

if-match is to case what if is to cond.

(if-with var then else)

Macro defined at lib/core/binders.lisp:152:2

Bind the pair VAR of the form (name value), evaluating THEN if the value is truthy or ELSE if not.


> (if-with ((a b c) (values-list false 1 2))
.   a
.   (+ b c))
out = 3

(inc! address)

Macro defined at lib/control/setq.lisp:141:2

Increments the value described by ADDRESS by 1.


> (with (x 1)
.   (inc! x)
.   x)
out = 2

(init xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:498:2

Return the list XS with the last element removed. This is the dual of LAST.


> (init (range :from 1 :to 10))
out = (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

(insert alist key val)

Defined at lib/data/alist.lisp:37:2

Extend the association list ALIST by inserting VAL, bound to the key KEY.


> (insert '(("foo" 1)) "bar" 2)
out = (("foo" 1) ("bar" 2))

(insert! alist key val)

Defined at lib/data/alist.lisp:59:2

Extend the association list ALIST in place by inserting VAL, bound to the key KEY.


> (define x '(("foo" 1)))
> (insert! x "bar" 2)
> x
out = (("foo" 1) ("bar" 2))

(insert-nth! li idx val)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:602:2

Mutate the list LI, inserting VAL at IDX.


> (define list '(1 2 3))
> (insert-nth! list 2 5)
> list
out = (1 5 2 3)

(invokable? x)

Defined at lib/data/function.lisp:80:2

Test if the expression X makes sense as something that can be applied to a set of arguments.


> (invokable? invokable?)
out = true
> (invokable? nil)
out = false
> (invokable? (setmetatable {} { :__call (lambda (x) (print! "hello")) }))
out = true

(iter-pairs table func)

Defined at lib/core/table.lisp:120:2

Iterate over TABLE with a function FUNC of the form (lambda (key val) ...)

(key? x)

Defined at lib/core/type.lisp:49:2

Check whether X is a key.

(keys st)

Defined at lib/core/table.lisp:138:2

Return the keys in the structure ST.

(last xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:486:2

Return the last element of the list XS. Counterintutively, this function runs in constant time.


> (last (range :from 1 :to 100))
out = 100

(let vars &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/binders.lisp:55:2

Bind several variables (given in VARS), then evaluate BODY. In contrast to let*, variables bound with let can not refer to each other.


> (let [(foo 1)
.       (bar 2)]
.   (+ foo bar))
out = 3

(let* vars &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/binders.lisp:30:2

Bind several variables (given in VARS), then evaluate BODY. Variables bound with let* can refer to variables bound previously, as they are evaluated in order.


> (let* [(foo 1)
.        (bar (+ foo 1))]
.   bar)
out = 2

(letrec vars &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/binders.lisp:177:2

Bind several variables (given in VARS), which may be recursive.


> (letrec [(is-even? (lambda (n)
.                        (or (= 0 n)
.                            (is-odd? (pred n)))))
.            (is-odd? (lambda (n)
.                       (and (not (= 0 n))
.                            (is-even? (pred n)))))]
.     (is-odd? 11))
out = true

(list &xs)

Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:134:2

Return the list of variadic arguments given.


> (list 1 2 3)
out = (1 2 3)

(list->struct list)

Defined at lib/core/table.lisp:33:2

Converts a LIST to a structure, mapping an index to the element in the list. Note that nil elements may not be mapped correctly.


> (list->struct '("foo"))
out = {1 "foo"}

(list? x)

Defined at lib/core/type.lisp:9:2

Check whether X is a list.

(loop vs test &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/binders.lisp:225:2

A general iteration helper.

> (loop [(var0 val0)
.        (var1 val1)
.        ...]
.   [test test-body ...]
.   body ...)

Bind all the variables given in VS. Each iteration begins by evaluating TEST. If it evaluates to a truthy value, TEST-BODY is evaluated and the final expression in TEST-BODY is returned. In the case that TEST is falsey, the set of expressions BODY is evaluated. BODY may contain the “magic” form (recur val0 val1 ...), which rebinds the respective variables in VS and reiterates.


> (loop [(o '())
.        (l '(1 2 3))]
.   [(empty? l) o]
.   (recur (cons (car l) o) (cdr l)))
out = (3 2 1)

(map fn &xss)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:207:2

Iterate over all the successive cars of XSS, producing a single list by applying FN to all of them. For example:


> (map list '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6) '(7 8 9))
out = ((1 4 7) (2 5 8) (3 6 9))
> (map succ '(1 2 3))
out = (2 3 4)

(matches? pt x)

Macro defined at lib/core/match.lisp:430:2

Test if the value X matches the pattern PT.

Note that, since this does not bind anything, all metavariables may be replaced by _ with no loss of meaning.

(math/even? x)

Defined at lib/math/init.lisp:27:2

Is X an even number?


> (even? 2)
out = true
> (even? 1)
out = false

(math/gcd x y)

Defined at lib/math/init.lisp:3:2

Compute the greatest common divisor of X and Y.


> (gcd 52 32)
out = 4

(math/lcm x y)

Defined at lib/math/init.lisp:16:2

Compute the lowest common multiple of X and Y.


> (lcm 52 32)
out = 416

(math/nan? x)

Defined at lib/math/init.lisp:51:2

Is X equal to NaN?


> (nan? (/ 0 0))
out = true
> (nan? 1)
out = false

(math/odd? x)

Defined at lib/math/init.lisp:39:2

Is X an odd number?


> (odd? 1)
out = true
> (odd? 2)
out = false

(math/pred x)

Defined at lib/math/init.lisp:67:2

Return the predecessor of the number X.

(math/round x)

Defined at lib/math/init.lisp:73:2

Round X, to the nearest integer.


> (round 1.5)
out = 2
> (round 1.3)
out = 1
> (round -1.3)
out = -1

(math/succ x)

Defined at lib/math/init.lisp:63:2

Return the successor of the number X.


Defined at lib/math/init.lisp:92:1

Negative infinity

(maybe-map fn &xss)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:231:2

Iterate over all successive cars of XSS, producing a single list by applying FN to all of them, while discarding any nils.


> (maybe-map (lambda (x)
.              (if (even? x)
.                nil
.                (succ x)))
.            (range :from 1 :to 10))
out = (2 4 6 8 10)

(merge &structs)

Defined at lib/core/table.lisp:130:2

Merge all tables in STRUCTS together into a new table.

(n x)

Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:14:1

Get the length of list X

(neq? x y)

Defined at lib/core/method.lisp:175:2

Compare X and Y for inequality deeply. X and Y are neq? if ([[eq?]] x y) is falsey.

(nil? x)

Defined at lib/core/type.lisp:76:2

Check if X does not exist, i.e. it is the special value nil. Note that, in Urn, nil is not the empty list.

(nkeys st)

Defined at lib/core/table.lisp:114:2

Return the number of keys in the structure ST.

(none p xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:332:2

Check that no elements in XS match the predicate P.


> (none nil? '("foo" "bar" "baz"))
out = true

(not expr)

Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:189:2

Compute the logical negation of the expression EXPR.


> (with (a 1)
.   (not (= a 1)))
out = false

(nth xs idx)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:510:2

Get the IDX th element in the list XS. The first element is 1. This function runs in constant time.


> (nth (range :from 1 :to 100) 10)
out = 10

(nths xss idx)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:523:2

Get the IDX-th element in all the lists given at XSS. The first element is1.


> (nths '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9)) 2)
out = (2 5 8)

(nub xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:354:2

Remove duplicate elements from XS. This runs in linear time.


> (nub '(1 1 2 2 3 3))
out = (1 2 3)


Defined at lib/core/prelude.lisp:50:1

Convert the number X into a string.

(number? x)

Defined at lib/core/type.lisp:27:2

Check whether X is a number.

(numerator rational)

Defined at lib/math/rational.lisp:7:2

The rational’s numerator

(odd? x)

Defined at lib/math/init.lisp:39:2

Is X an odd number?


> (odd? 1)
out = true
> (odd? 2)
out = false

(or a b &rest)

Macro defined at lib/core/base.lisp:299:2

Return the logical or of values A and B, and, if present, the logical or of all the values in REST.

Each argument is lazily evaluated, only being computed if the previous argument returned a falsey value. This will return the last argument to be evaluated.


> (or 1 2 3)
out = 1
> (or (> 3 1) (< 3 1))
out = true

(over! address fun)

Macro defined at lib/control/setq.lisp:22:2

Replace the value at ADDRESS according to FUN.


> (define list '(1 2 3))
out = (1 2 3)
> (over! (car list) (cut = <> 2))
out = (false 2 3)

(partition p xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:271:2

Split XS based on the predicate P. Values for which the predicate returns true are returned in the first list, whereas values which don’t pass the predicate are returned in the second list.


> (list (partition even? '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
out = ((2 4 6) (1 3 5))

(pop-last! xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:570:2

Mutate the list XS, removing and returning its last element.


> (define list '(1 2 3))
> (pop-last! list)
out = 3
> list
out = (1 2)

(pred x)

Defined at lib/math/init.lisp:67:2

Return the predecessor of the number X.


Defined at lib/core/method.lisp:239:2

Pretty-print a value.


Defined at lib/core/prelude.lisp:62:1

Print to standard output.

(printf fmt &args)

Defined at lib/core/prelude.lisp:92:2

Print the formatted string FMT using ARGS.


> (printf "%.3d" 1)
out = nil

(prod xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:781:2

Return the product of all elements in XS.


> (prod '(1 2 3 4))
out = 24

(progn &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/base.lisp:149:2

Group a series of expressions together.


> (progn
.   (print! 123)
.   456)
out = 456

(prune xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:463:2

Remove values matching the predicates empty? or nil? from the list XS.


> (prune (list '() nil 1 nil '() 2))
out = (1 2)

(push! xs &vals)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:537:2

Mutate the list XS, adding VALS to its end.


> (define list '(1 2 3))
> (push! list 4)
out = (1 2 3 4)
> list
out = (1 2 3 4)

(push-cdr! xs &vals)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:556:1

Warning: push-cdr! is deprecated: Use push! instead.

Mutate the list XS, adding VALS to its end.


> (define list '(1 2 3))
> (push-cdr! list 4)
out = (1 2 3 4)
> list
out = (1 2 3 4)

(quasiquote val)

Macro defined at lib/core/base.lisp:436:2

Quote VAL, but replacing all unquote and unquote-splice with their actual value.

Be warned, by using this you lose all macro hygiene. Variables may not be bound to their expected values.


> (with (x 1)
.   ~(+ ,x 2))
out = (+ 1 2)

(range &args)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:710:2

Build a list from :FROM to :TO, optionally passing by :BY.


> (range :from 1 :to 10)
out = (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
> (range :from 1 :to 10 :by 3)
out = (1 3 5 7 9)

(rational n d)

Defined at lib/math/rational.lisp:7:2

A rational number, represented as a tuple of numerator and denominator.

(rational/->float y)

Defined at lib/math/rational.lisp:57:2

Convert the rational number Y to a floating-point number.


> (->float (rational 3 2))
out = 1.5

(rational/->rat y)

Defined at lib/math/rational.lisp:44:2

Convert the floating-point number Y to a rational number.


> (->rat 3.14)
out = 157/50
> (/ 157 50)
out = 3.14

(rational/denominator rational)

Defined at lib/math/rational.lisp:7:2

The rational’s denominator

(rational/numerator rational)

Defined at lib/math/rational.lisp:7:2

The rational’s numerator

(rational/rational n d)

Defined at lib/math/rational.lisp:7:2

A rational number, represented as a tuple of numerator and denominator.

(reduce f z xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:176:2

Accumulate the list XS using the binary function F and the zero element Z. This function is also called foldl by some authors. One can visualise (reduce f z xs) as replacing the cons operator in building lists with F, and the empty list with Z.


  • '(1 2 3) is equivalent to (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '())))
  • (reduce + 0 '(1 2 3)) is equivalent to (+ 1 (+ 2 (+ 3 0))).


> (reduce append '() '((1 2) (3 4)))
out = (1 2 3 4)
; equivalent to (append '(1 2) (append '(3 4) '()))

(remove-nth! li idx)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:587:2

Mutate the list LI, removing the value at IDX and returning it.


> (define list '(1 2 3))
> (remove-nth! list 2)
out = 2
> list
out = (1 3)

(reverse xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:739:2

Reverse the list XS, using the accumulator ACC.


> (reverse (range :from 1 :to 10))
out = (10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1)

(self x key &args)

Defined at lib/data/function.lisp:169:2

Index X with KEY and invoke the resulting function with X and ARGS.


> (define tbl { :get (lambda (self key) (.> self key))
.               :x 1
.               :y 2 })
> (self tbl :get :x)
out = 1

(setq! address value)

Macro defined at lib/control/setq.lisp:36:2

Replace the value at ADDRESS with VALUE.


> (define list '(1 2 3))
out = (1 2 3)
> (setq! (car list) 3)
out = (3 2 3)

(slice xs start finish)

Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:22:1

Take a slice of XS, with all values at indexes between START and FINISH (or the last entry of XS if not specified).

(slicing-view list offset)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:50:1

Return a mutable reference to the list LIST, with indexing offset (positively) by OFFSET. Mutation in the original list is reflected in the view, and updates to the view are reflected in the original. In this, a sliced view resembles an (offset) pointer. Note that trying to access a key that doesn’t make sense in a list (e.g., not its :tag, its :n, or a numerical index) will blow up with an arithmetic error.

Note that the behaviour of a sliced view when the underlying list changes length may be confusing: accessing elements will still work, but the reported length of the slice will be off. Furthermore, If the original list shrinks, the view will maintain its length, but will have an adequate number of nils at the end.

> (define foo '(1 2 3 4 5))
out = (1 2 3 4 5)
> (define foo-view (cdr foo))
out = (2 3 4 5)
> (remove-nth! foo 5)
out = 5
> foo-view
out = (2 3 4 nil)

Also note that functions that modify a list in-place, like insert-nth!', remove-nth!, pop-last! and push!` will not modify the view or the original list.

> (define bar '(1 2 3 4 5))
out = (1 2 3 4 5)
> (define bar-view (cdr bar))
out = (2 3 4 5)
> (remove-nth! bar-view 4)
out = nil
> bar
out = (1 2 3 4 5)


> (define baz '(1 2 3))
out = (1 2 3)
> (slicing-view baz 1)
out = (2 3)
> (.<! (slicing-view baz 1) 1 5)
out = nil
> baz
out = (1 5 3)

(slot? symb)

Defined at lib/data/function.lisp:3:2

Test whether SYMB is a slot. For this, it must be a symbol, whose contents are <>.


> (slot? '<>)
out = true
> (slot? 'not-a-slot)
out = false

(snoc xss &xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:154:2

Return a copy of the list XS with the element XS added to its end. This function runs in linear time over the two input lists: That is, it runs in O(n+k) time proportional both to (n XSS) and (n XS).


> (snoc '(1 2 3) 4 5 6)
out = (1 2 3 4 5 6)

(sort xs f)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:856:2

Sort the list XS, non-destructively, optionally using F as a comparator. A sorted version of the list is returned, while the original remains untouched.


> (define li '(9 5 7 2 1))
out = (9 5 7 2 1)
> (sort li)
out = (1 2 5 7 9)
> li
out = (9 5 7 2 1)

(sort! xs f)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:874:2

Sort the list XS in place, optionally using F as a comparator.


(define li ‘(9 5 7 2 1)) out = (9 5 7 2 1) (sort! li) out = (1 2 5 7 9) li out = (1 2 5 7 9) ```

(splice xs)

Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:450:2

Unpack a list of arguments, returning all elements in XS.

(split xs y)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:819:2

Splits a list into sub-lists by the separator Y.


> (split '(1 2 3 4) 3)
out = ((1 2) (4))

(sprintf fmt &args)

Defined at lib/core/prelude.lisp:82:2

Format the format string FMT using ARGS.


> (sprintf "%.3d" 1)
out = "001"


Defined at lib/core/prelude.lisp:36:1

Convert the string X into a number. Returns nil if it could not be parsed.

Optionally takes a BASE which the number is in (such as 16 for hexadecimal).


> (string->number "23")
out = 23

(string->symbol x)

Defined at lib/core/symbol.lisp:12:2

Convert the string X to a symbol.

(string/$ str)

Macro defined at lib/core/string.lisp:188:2

Perform interpolation (variable substitution) on the string STR.

The string is a sequence of arbitrary characters which may contain an unquote, of the form ~{foo} or ${foo}, where foo is a variable name.

The ~{x} form will format the value using pretty, ensuring it is readable. ${x} requires that x is a string, simply splicing the value in directly.


> (let* [(x 1)] ($ "~{x} = 1"))
out = "1 = 1"

(string/bytes->string bytes)

Defined at lib/core/string.lisp:160:2

Convert a list of BYTES to a string.


> (bytes->string '(72 101 108 108 111))
out = "Hello"

(string/char-at xs x)

Defined at lib/core/string.lisp:12:2

Index the string XS, returning the character at position X.


> (string/char-at "foo" 1)
out = "f"

(string/chars->string chars)

Defined at lib/core/string.lisp:170:2

Convert a list of CHARS to a string.


> (chars->string '("H" "e" "l" "l" "o"))
out = "Hello"

(string/concat xs separator)

Defined at lib/core/string.lisp:22:2

Concatenate a list of strings, using an optional separator.


> (concat '("H" "i" "!"))
out = "Hi!"
> (concat '("5" "+" "1") " ")
out = "5 + 1"

(string/ends-with? str suffix)

Defined at lib/core/string.lisp:122:2

Determine whether STR ends with SUFFIX.


> (string/ends-with? "Hello, world" "world")
out = true

(string/quoted str)

Defined at lib/core/string.lisp:93:1

Quote the string STR so it is suitable for printing.


> (string/quoted "\n")
out = "\"\\n\""

(string/split text pattern limit)

Defined at lib/core/string.lisp:38:2

Split the string given by TEXT in at most LIMIT components, which are delineated by the Lua pattern PATTERN.

It is worth noting that an empty pattern ("") will split the string into individual characters.


> (split "foo-bar-baz" "-")
out = ("foo" "bar" "baz")
> (split "foo-bar-baz" "-" 1)
out = ("foo" "bar-baz")

(string/starts-with? str prefix)

Defined at lib/core/string.lisp:112:2

Determine whether STR starts with PREFIX.


> (string/starts-with? "Hello, world" "Hello")
out = true

(string/string->bytes str)

Defined at lib/core/string.lisp:132:2

Convert a string to a list of character bytes.


> (string->bytes "Hello")
out = (72 101 108 108 111)

(string/string->chars str)

Defined at lib/core/string.lisp:147:2

Convert a string to a list of characters.


> (string->chars "Hello")
out = ("H" "e" "l" "l" "o")

(string/trim str)

Defined at lib/core/string.lisp:82:2

Remove whitespace from both sides of STR.


> (string/trim "  foo\n\t")
out = "foo"

(string? x)

Defined at lib/core/type.lisp:21:2

Check whether X is a string.

(struct &entries)

Defined at lib/core/table.lisp:63:2

Return the structure given by the list of pairs ENTRIES. Note that, in contrast to variations of let*, the pairs are given “unpacked”: Instead of invoking

(struct [(:foo bar)])


(struct {:foo bar})

you must instead invoke it like

> (struct :foo "bar")
out = {"foo" "bar"}

(struct->assoc tbl)

Defined at lib/data/alist.lisp:92:2

Convert the structure TBL into an association list. Note that (eq? x (struct->assoc (assoc->struct x))) is not guaranteed, because duplicate elements will be removed.


> (struct->assoc { :a 1 })
out = (("a" 1))

(struct->list tbl)

Defined at lib/core/table.lisp:8:2

Converts a structure TBL that is a list by having its keys be indices to a regular list.


> (struct->list { 1 "foo" 2 "bar" })
out = ("foo" "bar")

(struct->list! tbl)

Defined at lib/core/table.lisp:20:2

Converts a structure TBL that is a list by having its keys be indices to a regular list. This differs from struct->list in that it mutates its argument.


> (struct->list! { 1 "foo" 2 "bar" })
out = ("foo" "bar")

(succ x)

Defined at lib/math/init.lisp:63:2

Return the successor of the number X.

(sum xs)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:771:2

Return the sum of all elements in XS.


> (sum '(1 2 3 4))
out = 10

(sym.. &xs)

Defined at lib/core/symbol.lisp:16:2

Concatenate all the symbols in XS.

(symbol->string x)

Defined at lib/core/symbol.lisp:6:2

Convert the symbol X to a string.

(symbol? x)

Defined at lib/core/type.lisp:33:2

Check whether X is a symbol.

(table? x)

Defined at lib/core/type.lisp:4:2

Check whether the value X is a table. This might be a structure, a list, an associative list, a quoted key, or a quoted symbol.

(take xs n)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:134:2

Take the first N elements of the list XS.


> (take '(1 2 3 4 5) 2)
out = (1 2)

(take-while p xs idx)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:791:2

Takes elements from the list XS while the predicate P is true, starting at index IDX. Works like filter, but stops after the first non-matching element.


> (define list '(2 2 4 3 9 8 4 6))
> (define p (lambda (x) (= (mod x 2) 0)))
> (filter p list)
out = (2 2 4 8 4 6)
> (take-while p list 1)
out = (2 2 4)

(traverse xs f)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:475:2

Warning: traverse is deprecated: Use map instead.

An alias for map with the arguments XS and F flipped.


> (traverse '(1 2 3) succ)
out = (2 3 4)

(type val)

Defined at lib/core/type.lisp:86:2

Return the type of VAL.

(union &xss)

Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:373:2

Set-like union of all the lists in XSS. Note that this function does not preserve the lists’ orders.


> (union '(1 2 3 4) '(1 2 3 4 5))
out = (1 2 3 4 5)

(unless c &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/base.lisp:176:2

Evaluate BODY if C is false, otherwise, evaluate nil.

(update-struct st &keys)

Defined at lib/core/table.lisp:150:2

Create a new structure based of ST, setting the values given by the pairs in KEYS.

(use var &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/binders.lisp:201:2

Bind each variable in VAR, checking for truthyness between bindings, execute BODY, then run a finaliser for all the variables bound by VAR.

Potential finalisers might be:

  • (get-idx (getmetatable FOO) :--finalise), where FOO is the variable.
  • (get-idx FOO :close) where FOO is the variable.

If there is no finaliser for VAR, then nothing is done for it.


> (use [(file (io/open "tests/data/hello.txt"))]
.   (print! (self file :read "*a")))
Hello, world!
out = true

(values st)

Defined at lib/core/table.lisp:144:2

Return the values in the structure ST.

(values-list &xs)

Macro defined at lib/core/base.lisp:470:2

Return multiple values, one per element in XS.


> (print! (values-list 1 2 3))
1   2   3
out = nil

(when c &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/base.lisp:172:2

Evaluate BODY when C is true, otherwise, evaluate nil.

(when-let vars &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/binders.lisp:71:2

Bind VARS, as with let, and check they are all truthy before evaluating BODY.

> (when-let [(foo 1)
.            (bar nil)]
.   foo)
out = nil

Does not evaluate foo, while

> (when-let [(foo 1)
.            (bar 2)]
.   (+ foo bar))
out = 3


(when-let* vars &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/binders.lisp:93:2

Bind each pair of (name value) of VARS, checking if the value is truthy before binding the next, and finally evaluating BODY. As with let*, bindings inside when-let* can refer to previously bound names.


> (when-let* [(foo 1)
.             (bar nil)
.             (baz 2)]
.   (+ foo baz))
out = nil

Since 1 is truthy, it is evaluated and bound to foo, however, since nil is falsey, evaluation does not continue.

(when-with var &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/binders.lisp:118:2

Bind the PAIR var of the form (name value), only evaluating BODY if the value is truthy


> (when-with (foo (.> { :baz "foo" } :baz))
.   (print! foo))
out = nil

When bar has an index baz, it will be bound to foo and printed. If not, the print statement will not be executed.

(while check &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/base.lisp:258:2

Iterate BODY while the expression CHECK evaluates to true.


> (with (x 4)
.   (while (> x 0) (dec! x))
.   x)
out = 0

(with var &body)

Macro defined at lib/core/binders.lisp:51:2

Bind the single variable VAR, then evaluate BODY.

Undocumented symbols

  • * Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:19:1
  • + Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:15:1
  • - Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:17:1
  • .. Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:27:1
  • / Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:21:1
  • /= Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:4:1
  • < Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:6:1
  • <= Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:8:1
  • > Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:10:1
  • >= Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:12:1
  • (caaaar xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (caaaars xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (caaadr xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (caaadrs xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (caaar xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (caaars xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (caadar xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (caadars xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (caaddr xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (caaddrs xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (caadr xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (caadrs xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (caar xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (caars xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cadaar xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cadaars xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cadadr xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cadadrs xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cadar xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cadars xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (caddar xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (caddars xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cadddr xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cadddrs xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (caddr xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (caddrs xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cadr xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cadrs xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cars xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdaaar xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdaaars xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdaadr xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdaadrs xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdaar xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdaars xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdadar xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdadars xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdaddr xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdaddrs xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdadr xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdadrs xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdar xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdars xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cddaar xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cddaars xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cddadr xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cddadrs xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cddar xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cddars xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdddar xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdddars xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cddddr xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cddddrs xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdddr xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdddrs xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cddr xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cddrs xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • (cdrs xs) Defined at lib/core/list.lisp:889:1
  • expt Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:25:1
  • (fifth &rest) Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:486:1
  • (first &rest) Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:486:1
  • (fourth &rest) Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:486:1
  • getmetatable Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:45:1
  • io/close Native defined at lib/lua/io.lisp:1:1
  • io/flush Native defined at lib/lua/io.lisp:2:1
  • io/input Native defined at lib/lua/io.lisp:3:1
  • io/lines Native defined at lib/lua/io.lisp:4:1
  • io/open Native defined at lib/lua/io.lisp:5:1
  • io/output Native defined at lib/lua/io.lisp:6:1
  • io/popen Native defined at lib/lua/io.lisp:7:1
  • io/read Native defined at lib/lua/io.lisp:8:1
  • io/stderr Native defined at lib/lua/io.lisp:9:1
  • io/stdin Native defined at lib/lua/io.lisp:10:1
  • io/stdout Native defined at lib/lua/io.lisp:11:1
  • io/tmpfile Native defined at lib/lua/io.lisp:12:1
  • io/type Native defined at lib/lua/io.lisp:13:1
  • io/write Native defined at lib/lua/io.lisp:14:1
  • (lambda ll &body) Macro defined at lib/core/base.lisp:54:1
  • len# Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:30:1
  • math/abs Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:1:1
  • math/acos Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:2:1
  • math/asin Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:3:1
  • math/atan Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:4:1
  • math/atan2 Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:5:1
  • math/ceil Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:6:1
  • math/cos Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:7:1
  • math/deg Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:8:1
  • math/exp Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:9:1
  • math/floor Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:10:1
  • math/fmod Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:11:1
  • math/huge Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:12:1
  • math/log Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:13:1
  • math/max Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:14:1
  • math/maxinteger Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:15:1
  • math/min Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:16:1
  • math/mininteger Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:17:1
  • math/modf Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:18:1
  • math/pi Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:19:1
  • math/rad Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:20:1
  • math/random Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:21:1
  • math/randomseed Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:22:1
  • math/sin Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:23:1
  • math/sqrt Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:24:1
  • math/tan Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:25:1
  • math/tointeger Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:26:1
  • math/type Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:27:1
  • math/ult Native defined at lib/lua/math.lisp:28:1
  • mod Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:23:1
  • next Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:49:1
  • (ninth &rest) Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:486:1
  • pcall Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:51:1
  • rational/$rational Defined at lib/math/rational.lisp:7:2
  • (rational/rational? rational) Defined at lib/math/rational.lisp:7:2
  • (rational? rational) Defined at lib/math/rational.lisp:7:2
  • require Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:57:1
  • (second &rest) Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:486:1
  • setmetatable Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:59:1
  • (seventh &rest) Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:486:1
  • (sixth &rest) Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:486:1
  • string/byte Native defined at lib/lua/string.lisp:1:1
  • string/char Native defined at lib/lua/string.lisp:2:1
  • string/dump Native defined at lib/lua/string.lisp:3:1
  • string/find Native defined at lib/lua/string.lisp:4:1
  • string/format Native defined at lib/lua/string.lisp:5:1
  • string/gsub Native defined at lib/lua/string.lisp:6:1
  • string/len Native defined at lib/lua/string.lisp:7:1
  • string/lower Native defined at lib/lua/string.lisp:8:1
  • string/match Native defined at lib/lua/string.lisp:9:1
  • string/rep Native defined at lib/lua/string.lisp:10:1
  • string/reverse Native defined at lib/lua/string.lisp:11:1
  • string/sub Native defined at lib/lua/string.lisp:12:1
  • string/upper Native defined at lib/lua/string.lisp:13:1
  • (tenth &rest) Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:486:1
  • (third &rest) Defined at lib/core/base.lisp:486:1
  • tonumber Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:60:1
  • tostring Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:61:1
  • write Native defined at lib/lua/io.lisp:14:1
  • xpcall Native defined at lib/lua/basic.lisp:63:1