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This module implements bit sets

(bitsets-and x y)

Defined at lib/data/bitset.lisp:260:2

Performs a logical AND between two bitsets and returns the result as a new bitset


> (define a (make-bitset))
out = «bitset: »
> (define b (make-bitset))
out = «bitset: »
> (set-bit! a 2)
out = nil
> (set-bit! b 2)
out = nil
> (bitsets-and a b)
out = «bitset: 00000004»

(bitsets-or x y)

Defined at lib/data/bitset.lisp:288:2

Performs a logical OR between two bitsets and returns the result as a new bitset


> (define a (make-bitset))
out = «bitset: »
> (define b (make-bitset))
out = «bitset: »
> (set-bit! a 0)
out = nil
> (set-bit! b 1)
out = nil
> (bitsets-or a b)
out = «bitset: 00000003»

(bitsets-xor x y)

Defined at lib/data/bitset.lisp:322:2

Performs a logical XOR between two bitsets and returns the result as a new bitset


> (define a (make-bitset))
out = «bitset: »
> (define b (make-bitset))
out = «bitset: »
> (set-bit! a 0)
out = nil
> (set-bit! a 1)
out = nil
> (set-bit! b 1)
out = nil
> (bitsets-xor a b)
out = «bitset: 00000001»

(cardinality bs)

Defined at lib/data/bitset.lisp:210:2

Returns the number of set bits in the bitset BS


> (define bs (make-bitset))
out = «bitset: »
> (set-bit! bs 1)
out = nil
> (set-bit! bs 4)
out = nil
> (cardinality bs)
out = 2

(clear-bit! bs bit)

Defined at lib/data/bitset.lisp:92:2

Clears the bit in the bitset BS with the specified index BIT

> (define bs (make-bitset))
out = «bitset: »
> (set-bit! bs 5)
out = nil
> bs
out = «bitset: 00000020»
> (clear-bit! bs 5)
out = nil
> bs
out = «bitset: 00000000»

(flip-bit! bs bit)

Defined at lib/data/bitset.lisp:131:2

Inverts the value of the bit in the bitset BS with the specified index BIT


> (define bs (make-bitset))
out = «bitset: »
> (flip-bit! bs 2)
out = nil
> bs
out = «bitset: 00000004»
> (flip-bit! bs 2)
out = nil
> bs
out = «bitset: 00000000»

(get-bit bs bit)

Defined at lib/data/bitset.lisp:54:2

Returns the value of the bit in the bitset BS with the specified index BIT


> (define bs (make-bitset))
out = «bitset: »
> (set-bit! bs 5)
out = nil
> (get-bit bs 5)
out = true

(intersects x y)

Defined at lib/data/bitset.lisp:233:2

Tests if two bitsets share any of the same set bits


> (define a (make-bitset))
out = «bitset: »
> (define b (make-bitset))
out = «bitset: »
> (set-bit! a 2)
out = nil
> (set-bit! b 2)
out = nil
> (intersects a b)
out = true

(make-bitset other)

Defined at lib/data/bitset.lisp:28:2

Creates a new, empty bitset

(next-clear-bit bs start)

Defined at lib/data/bitset.lisp:181:2

Finds the next clear bit in the bitset BS after the index START. If no clear bit is found, -1 is returned


> (define bs (make-bitset))
out = «bitset: »
> (set-bit! bs 0)
out = nil
> (set-bit! bs 1)
out = nil
> (next-clear-bit bs 0)
out = 2

(next-set-bit bs start)

Defined at lib/data/bitset.lisp:154:2

Finds the next set bit in the bitset BS after the index START. If no set bit is found, -1 is returned


> (define bs (make-bitset))
out = «bitset: »
> (set-bit! bs 5)
out = nil
> (next-set-bit bs 2)
out = 5

(set-bit! bs bit)

Defined at lib/data/bitset.lisp:73:2

Sets the bit in the bitset BS with the specified index BIT


> (define bs (make-bitset))
out = «bitset: »
> (set-bit! bs 5)
out = nil
> bs
out = «bitset: 00000020»

(set-bit-value! bs bit value)

Defined at lib/data/bitset.lisp:113:2

Sets the value of the bit in the bitset BS with the specified index BIT to VALUE


(define bs (make-bitset)) out = «bitset: » (set-bit-value! bs 2 true) out = nil bs out = «bitset: 00000004» (set-bit-value! bs 2 false) out = nil bs out = «bitset: 00000000»

Undocumented symbols

  • $bitset Defined at lib/data/bitset.lisp:28:2
  • (bitset? bitset) Defined at lib/data/bitset.lisp:28:2