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Continuation objects

The value given to the handler in call-with-prompt, much like the value captured by shift, is not a coroutine: it is a continuation object. Continuation objects (or just “continuations”) can be applied, much like functions, to continue their execution.

They may also be given to call-with-prompt.

(abort-to-prompt tag &rest)

Defined at lib/control/prompt.lisp:123:2

Abort to the prompt TAG, giving REST as arguments to the handler.

(abort/p tag &rest)

Defined at lib/control/prompt.lisp:127:2

Abort to the prompt TAG, giving REST as arguments to the handler.

(alive? k)

Defined at lib/control/prompt.lisp:159:2

Check that the continuation K may be executed further.


> (alive? (reset (shift k k)))
out = true

(block &body)

Macro defined at lib/control/prompt.lisp:177:2

Estabilish an escape continuation called break and evaluate BODY.


> (block
.   (print! 1)
.   (break)
.   (print! 2))
out = nil

(call-with-escape-continuation body)

Defined at lib/control/prompt.lisp:73:2

Invoke the thunk BODY with an escape continuation.


> (call-with-escape-continuation
.   (lambda (return)
.     (print! "this is printed")
.     (return 1)
.     (print! "this is not")))
this is printed
out = 1

(call-with-prompt prompt-tag body handler)

Defined at lib/control/prompt.lisp:24:2

Call the thunk BODY with a prompt PROMPT-TAG in scope. If BODY aborts to PROMPT-TAG, then HANDLER is invoked with the coroutine representing the rest of BODY along with any extra arguments to abort-to-prompt.

NOTE: The given HANDLER is not executed in the scope of the prompt, so subsequent calls to abort-to-prompt in the continuation will not be handled.


> (call-with-prompt 'tag
.                   (lambda ()
.                     (+ 1 (abort-to-prompt 'tag)))
.                   (lambda (k)
.                     (k 1)))
out = 2

(let-escape-continuation k &body)

Macro defined at lib/control/prompt.lisp:94:2

Bind K within BODY to an escape continuation.


> (let-escape-continuation return
.   (print! 1)
.   (return 2)
.   (print! 3))
out = 2

(let-prompt tg e h)

Macro defined at lib/control/prompt.lisp:68:2

Evaluate E in a prompt with the tag TG and handler H.

(reset &body)

Macro defined at lib/control/prompt.lisp:131:2

Establish a prompt, and evaluate BODY within that prompt.


> (* 2 (reset (+ 1 (shift k (k 5)))))
out = 12

(shift k &body)

Macro defined at lib/control/prompt.lisp:146:2

Abort to the nearest reset, and evaluate BODY in a scope where the captured continuation is bound to K.


> (* 2 (reset (+ 1 (shift k (k 5)))))
out = 12

Undocumented symbols

  • $continuation Defined at lib/control/prompt.lisp:13:2
  • (call/ec body) Defined at lib/control/prompt.lisp:108:1
  • (call/p prompt-tag body handler) Defined at lib/control/prompt.lisp:66:1
  • (continuation? continuation) Defined at lib/control/prompt.lisp:13:2
  • (let/ec k &body) Macro defined at lib/control/prompt.lisp:109:1
  • (let/p tg e h) Macro defined at lib/control/prompt.lisp:71:1